Things to Watch
This is mostly going to be a huge Youtube link dump, but I want to create an archive of either my favorite free content creators, my favorite background-sound-binge-listens, or other forms of free available media

NezumiVA•Ace Attorney Retrospective, •Justice For All Retrospective, •Trials and Tribulations Retrospective, •Apollo Justice Retrospective, •Undertale Retrospective
Fiona Sangster
Stardew Valley character deepdives
•Pokemon Ruby Nuzlocke, •Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke, •Two Player Heart Gold/Soul Silver Nuzlocke, •Pokemon Sent Me All Their Plushies, •My First Time Playing Dungeons & Dragons, •Pokemon Sent Me To Japan, •I Played Pokemon But With 50+ New Types
Lady Of Lore: Legend of Zelda Series The Locked Tomb Recap (Pre-Nona) A Brief Explanation of Dr Who (2023) Twin Peaks Actually Explained(No, Really)
NITW: The Importance & Secret Life of Mae's Grandpa